Monday, November 24, 2008

Chase's Birthday

Chase turns 9!!

On November 17, 2008, Chase had his 9th birthday. How is Chase already 9? Being the 2nd child, he seems to have gone from age 3 to 9 without us noticing sometimes. He often feels like a neglected middle child. I wanted to make it a great birthday for him. On his actual birthdy, I brought him lunch from In-n-Out and took it to school. I also bought Krispy Kreme Doughnuts or his 3rd grade class. After school, I took the kids to see Madagascar and dinner at one of his favorite restaurants, Panda Express (yuck!). He loved it. A couple days before, we had a party for him with some of his friends at our house. We had pizza, played night games (capture the flag at the park) and went in the hot tub. A few kids even jumped in the pool which is too cold for me! It was a fun night.

Sam, Gavin, Chase and McKay with Chase's favorite - a cookie cake!

Some crazy 9 year olds eating pizza!

More crazy 9 year olds! They really can't smile normal for a picture. Sam, Nathanael, Jake, McKay, Chase, Tanner and Gavin.

In the hot tub. Poor Mia is the only girl!

Mia spent a lot of time to make this card for Chase.

The boys were all dressed up in silly costumes for a game we played.

Gavin and Chase

McKay and Tanner

Nathanael, Sam and Jake

Chase and Matt on Chase's real birthday

Brayden, Mia and Chase.


traci said...

Yes, can you explain how Chase has turned 9 and Trevor 10? Then, will you tell me that we both still look the same as we did the day they were born (except without the bloating and extra weight)? Happy Birthday Chase!

Trish said...

Happy Birthday, Chase! Looks like I got released from Bears about a minute too soon to get him! Hope he had a wonderful day; it looks like it was!

Hege said...

Hey Matt and Julie!!!
So fun to see a link to your blog on Lisa's new blog...your family looks great! Chase 9? How is that possible? Well, Jacob is 8, so I guess it is. Can you believe how fast it all goes by? Last I knew, you were expecting twins and look how grown up and cute they are. Your family looks like you are all doing great. I have fun memories of our time with you in KY. Remember our girls weekend in Tennesse for "Time out for women?" so fun. Drop me a line on my regular e-mail, I would love to get caught up. hugs

foreveryoung said...

Oh you are a brave one! What a fun party, though. I'm sure in about 6 more years Mia won't be complaining about being the only girl in a hot tub full of her brother's friends :) (scary thought, huh?)

Cheryl said...

I agree with Traci- how have our boys gotten so OLD?!

Wish a belated Happy Birthday to Chase from his Louisville/Lexington friends.

Glad he had such a great day.